Coding Bat
These are short projects to try out a specific concept.
like from #LeetCode or #100DaysOfCode.
- Grab Bag I coding challenges.
- Grab Bag II coding challenges.
- Recursive implementation of SelectionSort.js: code and screenshot
- Gray Arrays
- First Word, Last Word
- Maya Calendar with image mapping
- How Similar Are Two Word Lists? (for 10/9/2019)
- Sideways scrolling experiment for ES6 Notes
- Vanilla JS animation Flipping Cards
- Twins
- Plant some seeds
- World Population (React)
- Sentiments (API client)
- rLoremIpsumGenerator.html (React)
- center.html
- rReactNodeMakerNOJSX.html
- cardOverAbe.html
- wordsFromString.js
- twoTimers.html
- rAddStar.html
- centering-old.html
- logo-jumble.html
- button-changes-style.html
- redCenteredDivs.html
- sameEnd.js
- red-count9s.js
- countX.js
- button-to-change.html
- knightDivers.html
- shadow-gray.css
- slocure.js
- firstHalf.js
- bloxColorer.html
- button-changes-style.html
- recur-count9s.js
- red-count9s.js
- parenBit.js
- loneSum.js
- bigDiff.js
- copies3.js
- countReduce.js
- colander/
- countX.js
- recursiveTriangle.js
- foodTopping.js
- foreignMap.js
- thisSummer.js
- stayPositive.js
- fewTeens.js
- shortestLoopEver.js
- maxMod5.js
- three3s.js
- elloOrld.js
- arrayFront9.js
- do.js
- index.html
- nouns.js
- aliceServer
- meritRegex.js
- scoresClumped.js
- drill-typeof-ch1.js
- lightBulbs.js
- isEverywhere.js
- parens.js
- lucky8s-recursive.js
- bunnyEars.js
- arrayInArray.js
- makeBricks.js
- implementMap&Filter.js
- mixStrings.js
- endsSameArray.js
- sumArrays.js
- fizzBuzz.js
- arraysFirst.js
- sumDouble.js
- sleepIn.js (September 2018)
The Javascript here has gone through
- "functional" JS (immutable functions, inspired by Elm language paradigms)
- ES6
- React.js